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Tender Tails' Residents

Domestic Rats:
Tender Tails got started in the rodent fancy by rescuing domestic rats. The majority of those rats that came through our doors stayed for the rest of their lives. While I will not name each one individually, I will post some of our favorites.


Idgie was bought from a pet store that breeds their own feeder rats. I bought her, along with her best friend, Topaz, in 2005 before my rescue career. Idgie never liked people very much, but adored her rattie friends. She lived to be 2 years and 5 months old. Idgie was a black variberk dumbo.

Topaz Topaz
Topaz is, and forever will be, my "heart rat." This means that she was the one rat I held closest to my heart. She grew to be the biggest female I have ever seen, as well as the biggest snuggle bug. No matter where I would walk in the room, she would follow me. If she was in her cage, she begged to come out to sit with me. No other rat has ever exhibited this behavior with me. Sadly, Topaz died at only 1 year and 1 month old from pneumonia. I had her humanely euthanized when she proved she was ready to go. Topaz was a mismarked capped varigated with blaze.


Baby was my second, and last Pink-eyed white rat. She was a gift to me from my step dad after my first PEW, Harmony, had died. She was a very scared little baby when she first came to me, but shortly warmed up and became a wonderful little girl. Baby died at 10 months old after her spay due to an intestinal abscess.

Moonpie and Chrissy Moonpie and Chrissy
Sisters from a breeder who was later arrested for animal cruelty, they were quite the duo! They were my very first hairless rats, and taught me a lot. Both died and early age of 1 year old due to unknown causes. Moonpie was a double rex black hooded and Chrissy was a double rex fawn.


Nancy was a surprise. She was rescued by a friend who gave her to me. When we was first rescued, she was so afraid of humans that she would throw herself 4 feet in the air before allowing someone to touch her. Now, she's as close as another rat has come to another heart rat, and begs for my company. She is a fawn mismarked mask/blaze with odd eyes.

Reptiles, Amphibians, and other Exotics:


Cloverfield aka Clovie
Clovie was our first Chinese Water Dragon. She was purchased as a captive bred baby (about 8 months old,) and was the start of a deep relationship with this species. Because of her, and our education about wild caught and captive bred water dragons, our agamid breeding program began.

Venom Venom
Venom is our first, and only, Tokay gecko. He was purchased as a captive bred juvie to become another member of our large, and happy herp family. He resides solo (as Tokays prefer,)in a large vivarium with all the crickets, roaches, and mealworms he can handle. While he is cute, and looks cuddly, this little guy would happily bite your fingers to the bone (typical Tokay behavior.)


Little Nappy is our Short Tailed Opossum, purchased from a USDA licensed hobby breeder of exotic animals. He's cute, he's adorable, he's funny, and he has 50 razor sharp little teeth. About the size of an adult gerbil, Napoleon lives a life of luxury in his own castle.