Directions: Copy the entire application by highlighting the text with your mouse (right click, "copy.") Paste it (right click, "paste") into an e-mail. Fill it out COMPLETELY and fully. If a question does not apply to you, write "N/A" in the answer space. Send it to
First Name:
Last Name:
City and State:
Phone Number:
Email Address:
Are you at least 21 years or older?:
Rattery/Rodentry Name:
Is there a particular type, gender, or specific Natal you wish to adopt? If so, please state color, type, and name if applicable, and why you want to adopt that particular Natal:
Please give in detail you breeding ethics, reason for breeding, and your breeding goals:
How long have you been breeding?:
Have you aquired mentoring from other experienced breeders? (May be from domestic rat or mouse breeders) If yes, who?:
If not, why?:
Please explain the type of care you intend to give this pet. Please include cage type and dimensions, bedding type, food type, and exercise plans:
Will children handle the animal, and if so, will they be supervised?:
Ages of Children:
Do you have an exotics vet that is willing to treat Natal rats? If yes, please list the vet's name, number, and address. If not, why not?:
Are you aware that Natal rats are not a domesticated species, and are capable of biting and causing injury to people and other pets?:
Are you aware that Natal rats may live up to 5 years? Can you provide the proper care and attention this animal requires throughout it's lifetime?:
Please list all other animals in house hold, and if they are spayed/neutered:
Have you ever had to give up, rehome, or surrender a pet? If yes, why?:
Please list at least two references not related to you. Please give their names, phone numbers, and email addresses if applicable. Breeders and rescues whom you have previously adopted from are welcome:
Tender Tails Rats Rodentry is available to answer your questions and provide help through out the animals' lifetime. It is up to you, as it's new owner, to provide proper care (including vet care should it be needed,) to create a happy, healthy relationship between you and your new companion(s). Should you ever need to give up the Natal rats, they must be returned to TRT, no questions asked, for any reason at any time. The animals may not be given away, sold, surrendered to a shelter or other rescue, or be turned loose in the wild. Do you understand and accept this agreement?:
If Tender Tails wishes to adopt any offspring from this animal, do you agree to give second pick of the litter?:
***To Be Signed By Hand At Time of Adoption***
By signing below you agree that all information on this application is true to your knowledge. Should any information be false, the animal(s) may be seized by TRT at any time. Should any information need be changed in the future, you agree to notify TRT immediately.
Breeder's Signature:
Witness Signature: